Improve Your Focus + Clarity

Improve Your Focus + Clarity

Improve Your Focus + Clarity

1. Avoid distractions. In a world full of information, how can we focus more effectively? You should block out time in your schedule to complete a specific task or activity. Request to be left alone during this time or go to a place where others are unlikely to disturb you: a library, a coffee shop, a private room.

2. Limit multitasking. Multitasking makes us feel productive. But it leads to lower focus, poor concentration, and lower productivity. Ultimately, this can lead to burnout. As an example of multitasking, you can listen to a podcast while responding to an email or talk to someone on the phone while writing your report. In addition to making it difficult to focus, multitasking decreases the quality of your work. 

3. Engage in mindfulness and meditation. Practicing mindfulness activities or meditation can strengthen well-being and mental fitness, as well as enhance focus. By meditating, our brain becomes calmer and our whole body becomes more relaxed. By focusing on our breath, we can prevent our minds from distracting us during the process. With practice, we can use our breath to focus on a specific task even when we are interrupted, enabling us to complete it well.

4. Get enough sleep. There are many factors that affect your sleep. The most common is reading from an electronic device such as a computer, phone, or tablet before bedtime or watching a movie on an LED TV. Such devices are known to emit light towards the blue end of the spectrum. Your retina will be stimulated by this light, so the brain will not produce melatonin, which leads to sleep anticipation. Avoid using electronic devices before bed or use a blue-light filter to minimize the effect of such blue light. A predictable bedtime routine and schedule are also helpful, as are avoiding exercise late in the day, staying hydrated all day, journaling, and breathing exercises.

5. Stay in the present moment. When you cannot focus, it might seem counterintuitive, but just remember that you have a choice. When you're always thinking about the past and worrying about the future, it's hard to concentrate. Let go of past events, even if it is difficult. Identify what it has meant to you, what you have felt, and what you have learned, then let it go. Likewise, acknowledge your concerns about the future, contemplate your body's reaction to that anxiety, and choose to let them go. By training our mental resources, we can focus on what matters most right now. Focus determines the direction our minds will take.

6. Take a break for a couple of minutes. Although it may seem counterintuitive, when you focus on something for a long period of time, your focus may decline. Over time, you may find it more and more difficult to focus on the task. Recent studies suggest our brains tend to turn away from sources of constant stimulation. By refocusing your attention elsewhere, very small breaks can have a dramatic impact on your mental concentration. Take a break when you begin to feel stuck the next time you are working on a project. Try moving around, talking to someone, or switching to a different type of task. Your performance will be higher when you are focused.

7. Spend time in nature. 
Even the presence of plants in office spaces can help increase productivity and satisfaction at work, as well as improve the quality of the air. By taking a stroll in the park or enjoying the plants in your garden, you can boost your concentration and feel refreshed.

8. Work out. Get your body moving by doing some simple exercises in the morning. Regular exercise releases chemicals vital to memory, concentration, and mental sharpness, according to the Harvard Men's Health Watch. Moreover, other studies have indicated that exercise can enhance dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels in the brain, which all affect focus and attention. Physically healthy individuals perform better on cognitive tasks than physically unhealthy individuals. Being physically active helps relax muscles and ease tension. Whenever you feel better in your body, you will also feel better in your mind. 

9. Relax by listening to music. Researchers have found that music can be therapeutic for our brains. Depending on the type of music, you may be able to focus better. Music with lyrics and human voices is generally considered distracting; classical music and nature sounds, like water, are good choices for concentration. 

10. Determine your top priority each day. Identify a single priority that you commit to accomplishing each day, and write it down the night before. Your brain will be better able to focus on what matters, tackling the biggest jobs first and the small stuff later. Try breaking large tasks into smaller chunks so you won't feel overwhelmed. It is possible to achieve success by setting small daily goals, and by identifying your true priorities.

11. Set up work areas. Establish a calm, dedicated working space, if possible. It is not possible for everyone to have a well-appointed office, but desk organizers, noise-canceling headphones, an adjustable monitor, and adjustable lighting can be helpful. Be sure you keep clutter out of sight, that your workspace is ergonomic and comfortable, and that it is clean and well ventilated. 

12. Refocus. Our brains need something fresh to focus on when we get stuck on a particular task. Switch to another activity you enjoy if you get stuck. Maintaining alertness and productivity for longer periods of time can be achieved through switching tasks regularly.